Monday, September 14, 2015

I Put My Thang Down, Flip It & Reverse It

I sent a photo to a friend that said, "Can you imagine a family member going through your phone after you died and being like, "This nasty bitch...RIP though". Hilarity ensues.

Friend: LOL. I'm more worried about them finding my pleasure chest in my closet.
Me: LOL Pleasure chest. Get a label maker and print that out all classy like so no one has a heart attack - "My Plezha Chest".
Friend: LOL. In italics so it looks nicer.
Me: lol Well of course in italics. We're not savages.
Friend: LOL
Me: Then on the inside of the chest, "It was worth it when I worked it. I put my thang down, flipped it and reversed it". Also in italics, of course.
Friend: LOL "salkhduhfoihf  hfkhfdoihfiofds"