Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ain't No Shame In Starting Over

I had minor surgery on my leg last week and have had good and bad says since. My friends have taken turns "babysitting" me over the past few days and this weekend one of my guy friends essentially forced me to go out with him to a club. I used to go to clubs all the time when I was in my early 20's, whether or not I was in a relationship. Now that sort of thing just does not appeal to me anymore. I'll usually only go if it's for someone's birthday or for a work-related function. None of my friends really go to clubs anymore either, but this particular night my friend was like determined to get me to this place and I didn't know why. And then, sitting there with my leg bandaged up and listening to a song that was not mixing well with my medications, I saw a familiar face across the room. Someone I never in my life thought I'd lay eyes on again. And I finally knew why it was such a big deal that I be at this particular place. I met this girl in college in one of my classes and we really hit it off. At the time, we were both in serious relationships with other people so nothing came of our connection. We were really good friends and helped each other out with the class and so on. It was the only class we ever had together in four years. After it ended, we kinda half kept in touch but were cautious because we were happy with the people we were with and we didn't wanna complicate those relationships. Two years later we both graduated and saw each other that day and wished each other well and moved on with our lives. I doubt either of us thought about each other much after that. I didn't even know she was in the same industry as me. Small world, huh?
Obviously I'm still figuring my stuff out but my friends say I need to cut my losses and end my relationship and move on. Still...the guilt weighs HEAVY when I think about breaking up our little family. But if it's not a happy family...same crap, different day. I really need to make a decision here.