Monday, June 30, 2008

"Do You Want Me To Fly Out There And Beat You?"

I'm going home this week to spend some time with my family before things get crazy again. Yesterday, I was on the phone with my mom and I decided to put her on speaker because no one was home and I had some other stuff to do. About halfway through the call, my teenager walked into the house and heard me talking to someone and asked who it was. We'd had it out earlier in the day over I don't even remember what and she was set on payback. So, as soon as she heard it was my mom, she screams out, "He's getting a new tattoo next week!" And I knew what was coming.
My mom does not care for any of my tattoos, despite the fact that she can't even really see any of them most of the time. Not a single one of them are just for the sake of it or because I thought they were nifty at the time. They all mean a great deal to me, but mom would rather I not have anything pierced or otherwise permanently marked. I got a new tattoo last year and never told her. In fact, I think she only knows about maybe half the ones I have. She had a cow last night when she heard I was getting yet another one. I don't have any immediate plans to get anything but earlier in the day I had been talking about maybe getting something later this year. The teenager used it as ammo against me and it worked because mom threatened to fly up here right now and beat me. As you can imagine, I am now so excited to get on a plane in two hours and fly out to receive my beating. I love my family.