Sunday, June 22, 2008

Animal Control

So a family of kittens has taken to living in the back of our building. I noticed them this morning and also noticed that only one of them is full grown, the other four are babies. I had a meeting so I went and then came home, hoping they would have moved on. I love animals. In fact, whenever I go to PetsMart to get food for my dog and that little prompt on the credit card thing asks if I want to donate a dollar to an animal shelter, I can never say no. Animals in distress is always too much for me to watch. I don't even watch animal planet because some of their shows feature injured animals and I just cannot handle that at all. Yeah, I'm a big baby, so what. Anyway, when I got home the cats were still there so I called animal control and gave them my info. About an hour later they showed up and saw that the cats were not contained and said they would only take them if the occupants of the building caught them. Well thanks a lot animal control. Trained individuals won't catch feral cats but regular old folk such as ourselves are surely qualified. So now we have to figure out how to catch these cats and take them to a no-kill shelter. I'm certainly not gonna catch 'em and then call useless animal control to take 'em. They're so cute but God knows just how wild they already are and my dog is not exactly into sharing the affection of his owners. Plus, I don't like cats. I love kittens but once they grow up, they can pretty much care less if you're even around anymore. So it's off to try and capture five wild cats without getting bitten or otherwise attacked....wish us luck...