Thursday, September 23, 2010

Facebook Gone Wild

The one good thing about Facebook is how someone can post something completely innocent on your wall and it can just get twisted into a whole other (very entertaining) topic. This one started as a comment from my cousin's fiance (and one of my best friends) about how he's officially joining the family in a few months.

Gabe Cousin's Fiance): Can you believe we're gonna be related in a few short months?
RK (My Best Friend): Don't get too excited. I've been a member ofthis family for almost 29 years. It's...alright lol
Me: What do you mean 'almost 29 years'? You turned 29 in June!
Gina (Friend): A gentleman never calls a lady out on her age :p
RK: Amen sister!!
Me: He does when she harasses him about being a whole 3 mos. older than her the entire 29 years.
RK: I knew that would come back to bite me in the ass
CR (My teenager): Wow I'm almost a FULL DECADE YOUNGER than all of you. Cool.
Me: You're grounded.
Gina: Uh you better not also be referring to me with that 'decade' comment missy...
Gabe: Hey! I am not a decade older than you college. Don't insult me by spreading lies. I am gonna be something in law soon so show some respect! lol
RK: That's right G - cling for dear life to your last few weeks of 28 lol
CR: LOL You can't ground me old man I'm TWENTY YEARS OLD! Did I mention that's a DECADE below your nearly 30 status??
RK: Seriously I'm coming to your house with rope and duct tape to silence your rude oldest child Jose.
Gabe: This is why animals eat their young.p
Gina: lol Last weeks of 28?? No idea what you're referring to ;p Please take steps to make sure my sweet little (Miss N) doesn't turn on us all in 18 years like your other one apparently has
Me: :O Old man? Such a nice girl, such a dirty mouth. But you know what? When you're my age (that is TWENTY-NINE btw and 29 it will stay until I decide otherwise lol) (Miss N) will be embarrassed by you too. Ha!
A.C. (My Brother): Gaby it's not too late to change your mind. Just let Tina keep the bling and back away slowly! lol
Me: Oh yeah and Gina - 12 days, 23 hours, 58 minutes. lol
CR: If you can stay 29 (or I'm sorry TWENTY-NINE) then I'ma stay 20. Ha right back.
Gina: Hahaha hon that's not even legal. [Me]-bite me lol
RK: LOL Wow college, good thing you're a creative major and not a smart one.
Gabe: All I wanted was for Jose to tell me how excited he was to finally be relatives but nooo you ladies had to turn my happy family comment and twist it.
Me: Dude, I can't wait to be your whatever-in-law. THE END.
Gabe: Forget it. I don't wanna be related to you people anymore.

lol Ya'll are the most beautiful bunch of weirdos I know. Thank you for making a bad day better. I love you.