Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A little talk I had with old friend Agent W (as best as I can recollect anyway):

Me: This one chick like demanded I send her nude pics of me.
Agent W: That is hilarious. Did you do it?
Me: Hell no.
Agent W: Soooo...send me some nudie pics?
Me: You think I'd do it just cuz this isn't our first convo?
Agent W: Yes. And you love me.
Me: I do love you.
Agent W: What's the problem then?
Me: First off, I have none and
Agent W: Fine. I didn't wanna do this, but... (pause for dramatic purposes) I've decided that I will contract a terminal disease. Expect a letter from the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I hope you comply.
Me: That's a lousy last wish.
Agent W: That's not important. What's important is that you would be a part of my final request.
Me: And I would be honored. But would not comply.
Agent W: Then you would let me die unfulfilled? Wow.
Me: IF you were dying, then you know I'd do it. However I suspect that you are just a pervert and that's not a terminal condition.
Agent W: It's still a sickness dammit, why must you get technical?!

lol I love you Agent W. And the first step is admitting you have a problem.