Monday, September 13, 2010

What To Do, What To Do

My cousin is a great guy. Love him to death. We have clashed in the past over my life decisions, amongst other things, but we know we'll always make up. He dated someone for a very long time and they got engaged but could never get married. He's been single about a year and two weeks ago started dating a mutual friend. She's a wonderful woman, a cancer survivor at 32 and I felt it was a good match because she could teach him so much. This morning he tells me that they're gonna get married. My first thought was that he meant they were gonna get engaged soon and work on the marriage thing. But no, he meant they wanna get hitched next weekend. I've wrestled all day with whether or not I should say anything about, oh, I don't know, how ridiculous an idea this really is. He's wasted no time in the past telling me what I was doing wrong but I always hated it. So do I speak up or do I keep quiet?
I would love nothing more than for him to be happy. But if they really are in love, it should stick around for awhile, right? They should believe they will still be in love in a month or a year or ten years and therefore shouldn't rush. That's what I think. But then I was the victim of an all too quick engagement that ended very badly so maybe I'm just being over-protective. I don't know. I guess I'll see how this week plays out for them (and the rest of the fam).
In other news, I hate this couch. I am tired of sittting on it. But I did leave the house today so maybe I'm willing my recovery to go faster.