Thursday, September 9, 2010

Talent Upon Talent

I spent the weekend visiting family and it was very relaxing. That is, until I decided to pack while slightly intoxicated. As you know, I am injury-prone in the simplest situations. I once contracted whooping cough (seriously, I was like, 'what is this, the 1800's?') and coughed so hard that I cracked a rib. That was painful, I thought. But I now know true pain, my friends. I was taking my bags down my aunt's dead man's curve staircase (that's right, I blame your stairs) when I tripped on a hockey stick lying on the floor and fell. Somehow, I managed to avoid a head injury but I did break two ribs and puncture a lung. Ouch. That's not even a strong enough word, it hurts to breathe and it hurts to move. So I've been moving as little as possible. But I can't not breathe and still live so that has been a challenge. I punctured a lung during my accident yet managed to avoid breaking any ribs so this is new. And did I mention painful? Cuz it really is. Six weeks is the time it'll take for me to start feeling better and it cannot come quick enough. It's rough to try and sleep. But, as always, I will survive.