Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Elect With Excitement

A few months ago my friend G got all hot under the collar after a political discussion with his Republican relative turned nasty, as they so often do for those of us with politically divided (read: stupid Republicans in our) families. G seethed for about fifteen minutes and kept saying, "He's voting for Romney! Mitt Fucking Romney!" and I found it hilarious. As a result, everyone in my circle has referred to the Republican Presidential candidate by that moniker. I woke up this morning to cell phone issues and took to Facebook to let everyone know my texts were a bit wonky and scrolled through my wall to catch up. Halfway down my wall was one of these new ads Facebook is forcing on us, apparently they thought it would be a fantastic idea for me to 'Like' Mitt Romney. Mitt Fucking Romney. I reported it as spam and posted a status update urging my peeps to vote and logged out ASAP. I guess it is kind of a big day, huh? But at the same time it might not be as big of a day as we think. Some ballots may be delayed until tomorrow or even the end of the week, which would mean we won't know who actually wins until then. Fingers crossed it's Obama, I cannot fathom how fucked we are if Romney becomes President. As one of my Facebook friends put it, "Four years ago America went black...will she go back?". Your move, America.