Wednesday, January 27, 2016

X Marks The Spot

I recently began binge watching "The X-Files" and if you know anything about me, this may seem like an odd choice of show. I have terrible memories of my mom watching it in my youth, mostly of the awful theme music and assorted spooky images in the title sequence. However, the show itself isn't as alien-centric as I thought it was. It's basically a detective show that delves into some of the unknowns in our universe. Some of them are pretty spooky, and I sure as hell ain't watching the show once the sun goes down, but so far I'm enjoying both it and the convos it's provoked.

Me: I'm is scared
Her: Shhhh....I'm here *pet pet pet*
Me: If I see anything that looks like an alien, I'm turning off the TV and putting it in the freezer like Joey did when he read, "The Shining".
Her: LOL. Good luck with that.


After an ex texted me with some...interesting news.

Me: The irony of this is that yesterday when she texted me, I was watching "The X-Files". I was worried about the aliens. I shoulda been worried about actual exes.
Friend: LOL Well damn.


Me: I told my mom the "X-Files" I watched last night showed an alien fetus and I might be scarred for life. She said the upside is that my lifespan is a lot shorter now than it was when I was a kid who was scarred by the opening theme.
W: LOL Want some aloe for that burn?
Me: I just love when I turn to her for some motherly love and she reminds me I'm not her favorite kid
W: LOL Cheer up buttercup, it's not like she has a bunch of alternative kids to choose from
W: You'll never be in 3rd place! Woooo!
Me: lol Uh, she has three kids. I'm already in third place
W: LOL At least your wife forgot about the other brother and not you! WOOOOO!
Me: LOL. Gold star for you. Bless your little, possibly drunken, heart
W: lol Damn... When motivational speeches go wrong