Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Folsom Elementary Blues

Me: Now I know how my mom felt when my school called her. You know you have to go, but you think of ways to distance yourself from your kid and their transgression.
Friend: LOL So the rumors are true! Your kids are your parents' revenge.
Me: I suggested we blame Gio and go with, "them Italians is shifty". MOC agreed.
Friend: lol Ya'll need Jesus
Me: I'm sure we'll find him in prison after Miss N takes us all down with her.
Friend: LOL

I've recently begun watching "Saved By The Bell" again from the beginning with my 16-year-old niece who is tickled by such things as Zach Morris' gigantic cell phone and brightly colored tank tops being an acceptable form of clothing to wear to any and all 90's events. Often, I've found myself thinking, "That Zack Morris and his schemes are a riot, but I'm sure glad he's not my kid". And then I found out that Miss N is basically a little Zack Morris. You'll recall a few years back, my beautiful little weirdo of a daughter was caught marking up the price on Pixie Stix on the playground, charging 25 cents per stick even though a whole package only costs $1. I'm sad (or oddly proud, haven't decided which yet) to say that she's escalated. MOC got a call earlier this week that Miss N was taking bets on who would pass a math test. The teacher discovered this little scheme when, after said test, a number of her classmates walked over and handed Miss N their morning snack. Whilst I'm proud that Miss N will evidently have no trouble making a good living for herself in the future, I'm a little concerned about how easily she's come up with both schemes. I mean, the child is SEVEN. Shouldn't this kind of stuff be reserved for older kids? Like kids in their twenties? *sigh* I guess MOC, Gio and I have to face the fact that our little one is not so little anymore. She'll be eight in a few months, which is veering dangerously close to "tween" territory. It really is a shame they can't stay youngins forever. I loved Miss N's younger years, even the things most parents would probably find annoying (like lack of sleep). And now it's a new chapter.