Sunday, December 27, 2015

Aunt Misbehaving

Me: Crazy Aunt told me to stop sexting my ladies on my tablet. I said, "Trust me, when we're sexting, they're not ladies". She said, "Duuuude!" and gave me a high five.
G: LMAO. And then you went right back to sexting the ladies huh?
Me: Waste not, want not, G.
G: lol Uh huh, THAT'S why you did it
Me: I may never do it again now that I know my aunt endorses it. That's like every sext I send having an asterisk and, "My Crazy Aunt approved this message" attached to it.
G: LOL. Aaaaaaaand the ladies lose their boners.
Me: lol And they ain't the only ones.