Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Smartasses

Miss N's play group had their holiday shindig (people still say that, right?) over the weekend and bringing family and friends was encouraged. Unfortunately, I brought mine.

Miss R: You see that lady over there with the jacket, talking to those kids? She was telling her friends how hot she thinks you are and it was gross.
Me: ...Is she legal? She looks kinda young.
Miss R: I don't know. Probably doesn't matter though.
Me: Why?
Miss R: I told her that Miss N has two dads now and she seemed to lose interest. *Grins*
Me: You're an evil child.
Miss R: That's how you know we're related.

So now we know, 16 is when they turn on you. That gives me 9 years to love Miss N before she goes rogue.