Monday, December 14, 2015

And A Sexy Party In A Pear Tree

G: Did you figure out what you're getting the kid for Christmas? Because I have to know which gift I'm buying for her.
Me: Not yet. She wants a gyro something or another.
Y: LOL. A Spirograph, Giuseppe. The child wants a Spirograph.
G: LMAO. Cuz all 7-year-olds want Gyros for Christmas. Everybody be all at the table to eat tamales on Christmas Eve and poor Miss N has to sit by the tree with her Gyro. Cuz she asked for it.
Me: LOL. Well I don't know, man. Kids are weird, they want weird ish sometimes.
Y: Yeah, there's this kid in my building who wants an Easy Bake Oven so he can make Thin Mints whenever he wants and not have to buy them from, as he say, "those shifty Girl Scouts".
Me: LOL. That was told to you in confidence!
Y: lol Oops. 
G: ...Can I come over and have some of your Thin Mints?
Me: Hell yeah. I'm inviting everybody. Except Y.
Y: That's okay, I'll spend some money and support the girls.
Me: Fine then. I'll take my Girl Scout cookie money and support some other girl's cookies.
G: LMAO. Only we could start talking about Christmas gifts and end up purchasing hookahs to come to our Easy Bake Oven Christmas party.

For the record, I have nothing against the Girl Scouts. My problem is with how they lie in wait outside places to peddle their delicious wares.