Friday, December 18, 2015

I'll Date Ya Moms

G and I fell in love with the glory that is the Nespresso machine. The price of ownership (and inconvenience in getting coffee) turned me off to getting one, but G has been a man on a mission. That is, until last week when his mom told him they tend to breakdown often. As it turns out, Mama is a liar.

G: So my mom just stabbed in me in the back and bought a Nespresso machine. She made up that crap about the breakdowns because she wanted to get one before I did.
Me: lol. I would legit marry a woman who owned one of those.
G: lol And just like that, the ladies all flock to purchase the new must-have item for Christmas.

Me: LOL. Screw that. I'ma marry your moms. 

Me: I can't because I don't know if you're referring to her coffee machine or her sex machine.
G: LMAO. I fucking hate you, Giuseppe. And yet, witty remarks like that almost make me wanna let you be my new daddy.

Me: Join me, Luke. And together we shall steal your mom's Nespresso and bring deliciousness to the galaxy.
G: lol Well, when you put it like that...I will follow you an'where, Jobi-Wan.