Monday, December 14, 2015

Ho, Ho, Oh No

It's been a difficult December (and November, really) in some ways. It's been...odd. Most things have been going swimmingly; everyone in our new family of four is healthy, work has been pretty darn good and my personal life is on one hell of an upswing. All good things. The bad has been news from the home front about family members and potential serious issues on the horizon. At least, they were on the horizon. Now it would appear they have hit home, and sooner than expected. Since I recommitted myself to my faith I've been meditating twice a day and not letting anything get in the way of that time. And it's done wonders for me. I live in the now, I don't overthink or over-stress about things and I don't dwell on the past. Worrying about a future event never changed the outcome and beating yourself up over the past never changed what happened, so why freak out about either? I've been all optimism the last few months, even when I felt like a damn fool about it. And I find I still am. The circumstances suck, and I wish like hell there was more I could do to change them. But they are what they are and the chips will fall where they may. Instead of being upset and bitter about ish, I'm choosing to believe it's all for a reason and that one door being slammed means a window of opportunity, a better opportunity, will soon open. I just hope it's very soon.