Thursday, February 11, 2016

Super Bowl Bliss

If you're the father of a daughter, you rewrite classic Disney songs. It's what you do.

I told W I was tres excited for the Super Bowl and that I would be drinking a bit so she should get ready for a damn good show.

W: I bought snacks to observe.
Me: ...Why are you observing snack items? Some kinda hipster protest against sports?
Me: Look at these snacks, isn't they neat? Wouldn't you think my boofay is complete!
W: LOL. Let me rephrase. I bought snacks to consume while I observe you being durnk.
Me: I've got taquitos and hot wings aplenty, I've got churros and muffins galooooore! But who cares, no big deal. I want s'mooooooooresssss!
W: LOL!! I just bought a box of girl scout cookies. Close enough.

The next day...

Me: So yesterday all I had to drink was half a Starbucks coffee and three cans o' liquor. I don't remember waking up in the middle of the night, but apparently I stumbled around like a zombie at 5AM to go get a bottle of water.
Me: I drank almost the entire bottle, then flung the bottle at the wall and climbed back into bed.
W: LOL. You did not!!!
Me: lol Yep. No memory at all.
W: lol "Thriller" just started playing in my head


We clicked away from the dismal Halftime show to watch something else for a minute.

*Woman on show talks about her mother favoring her sister when they were children and how it affected her as an adult*

Y: Wow, how awful.
Me: Right? Every time I hear stories like that, it makes me glad that mom didn't like any of us.
Y: LOL. Best. Childhood. Ever.

Me: lol Hell yes. She didn't discriminate, we all worked her nerves.

Thank you to everyone who attended the festivities this year. Let's do it all again next year, shall we? Complete with another Championship.