Friday, February 19, 2016

Who Can Take A Rainbow And Wrap It In A Sigh

Lent snuck up on us this year (since when does it start the same week of the Super Bowl? That's insanity.), so Miss N and I were kinda at a loss of what to give up. We don't eat a whole lot of junk and our habits tend to be healthy, for the most part. I considered adopting a habit, which is what my mom does every year, but nothing really struck my fancy. And then I realized that Miss N and I could stand to give up the candy, something we've had way too much of around the house since Christmas. And then Miss N brought home a mess of chocolate from her school's V-Day festivities.

Miss N: Dad, look at all this candy we can't have!
Me: We can put it up until Eas-oooooh, this is the good kid of PB heart. *Unwraps and eats it immediately*
Miss N: *Look of shock and jealousy that sustains me* DAD!! We gave that up!
Me: While you were gone, I decided I'd give up donuts instead. Oh yeah, you're giving them up too. Along with candy. *grins*
Miss N: *Shoots daggers out her eyes just like her mama* 


Fresh off the candy discussion, I had to tell of my parenting win:

Me: Miss N brought home PB hearts from school and I ate them. I told her I gave up donuts instead, which she also has to give up. Along with the candy. Judging from the look she gave me, you'll find my body in the river by morning.
Her: LOL. You're an ass.
Me: lol Hey, yesterday she told me my ass looked fat in some jeans. She earned it. I'm not here to be shaded by a 7-year-old.
Her: And your solution was to eat MORE candy. Got it.
Me: Yes, because she also wants a step-mom. So by getting even fatter, I take her candy AND her dreams.
Her: LMAO! #Parenting
Me: lol I'ma write a book. Be the new Dr. Spock. Dr. Babu, MD.
Me: NO. Dr. Doogie Babu, MD.
Her: LOL. Well, that escalated quickly.

I gotta get more kids. Moments like these are why Miss N will not support me in my old (and apparently fat) age. I need reserves.