Saturday, October 20, 2007


Have you ever met somebody you just could not be without for a single second or it felt like you were gonna die? Not like the beginning of a relationship, just like this feeling that all life would end if you weren't with this person. Not for the conversation, not for the dates, just for what burned between you when you were together.
Last year, a friend of mine broke off her engagement to her longtime boyfriend and our paths happened to cross in N.Y. We had dinner and then immediately after we ended up at my place and spent the night together. For the next two weeks, it was one hell of a wild ride. She would show up at my work at random times during the day or throw herself at me the minute I walked into my apartment. We would be out in the city at three in the morning just goofing around and exploring and being together. We did some of the craziest things I've ever done in my life. She drove me completely wild everytime she looked at me with those beautiful eyes. It was wonderful. We didn't know or care what we were doing and we didn't even make an effort to label it. It was just fun. Three weeks later, it was all over. Things just fizzled, I guess. It went from being unable to function without one another in the same room to her being a thousand miles away and me being back to work in the city. There was no goodbye, no break-up...we just woke up one morning and she said she was gonna be late for her flight and gave me a quick kiss and told me to call her when I got a chance. We haven't spoken since. We got it all out of our systems and then it was done and the world has continued to turn. I wouldn't trade those three weeks for anything. Everyone comes into your life for a reason. Even though we haven't spoken, I have seen her since it ended and I felt absolutely nothing when I saw her. It's amazing to remember how much burned between us back then and now...nothing.