Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Obvious

In contrast to the unexpected (which I deleted, btw), there is the obvious. I have two friends who have very obviously been in love with one another since they met in high school. They did not begin "dating" (if you can call it that) until about two months ago. The hold up? Her younger sister was dating his older brother. They became engaged when she was 22 and he was 24 and it seemed like a very good match. But the closer they seemed to get to getting married, he started to back out and then he finally just said he never actually intended to get married. He'd just proposed to sort of show his commitment to staying with her forever. She wanted to be married. She ended it and was completely devastated, obviously, having spent nearly nine years of her life on someone. Her best friend, whom she met in high school, was right there to help her deal with everything. They spent a ton of time together and once she was on the mend they went on with their, separate, dating lives. He got seriously involved with someone last year but it didn't work out and guess where he went to be consoled. They started to fall for each other but neither one would actually admit it. Everyone knew they belonged together, they're different but they balance one another out very well. They're still together and extremely happy. But all of this cleared the path for her sister to finally pay attention to her feelings for her one-time would-be brother-in-law. They started seeing each other and it was just instantly perfect for them. They're expecting their first child now, and even though it's still very early in the relationship and it seems like a lot very soon, they're handling it brilliantly. It's not at all a big deal for them, it's like this would all be happening now whether they'd been together years or just the month.
Both of these pairings were obvious to everyone they knew and yet it took them a long time to either realize it or come to terms with it. Maybe they all kinda knew where they were going but they weren't in any hurry to get there. I don't know. But lately I can't help but feel like I'm not supposed to be in a romantic relationship with the mother of my child. We've been on a few, I guess you'd say dates, but I haven't felt what I think I should in order to go back into a full-on relationship. She says she wants to give it a try and not just for the baby. I don't know what to do. I know where I would like to be but that's just not possible right now.