Monday, February 28, 2011

Soul Mates

What exactly is a soul mate? For some reason that's been the question on my mind of late. And I wish I knew why cuz it's kinda annoying to be thinking about it so much. I have had that connection with someone before, on more than one occasion. The popular belief is that you only get one soul mate and that it's a lover and, if you're lucky, you live happily ever after together. And I used to be one of the staunchest supporters of this one shot theory but no more. Probably cuz my one shot didn't get a chance to get to that 'happily ever after' part of the story so I had to re-examine what I believed. I don't believe that all soul mates take shape in the form of a lover, I don't think they even have to be of the opposite sex. It's hard to explain what the soul mate connection is like, which is part of what makes it such an awesome thing. If you've experienced it, then you know.
So having said all of that I realize I still have yet to answer my original question. But now that I think about it I don't think there really is a set definition of a soul mate. Everyone has their own definition. In my opinion, connections like that don't really even need to be defined if both people know there's something there. Hell, those connections could even be traced back to past lives cuz it kinda does feel like you've known that person, in some form or another, in lifetimes before. For some people (especially dudes), it's a bad thing to say something about such a connection cuz they get freaked out and think you wanna settle 'em down right away. But I don't think there's anything wrong with actually saying it out loud. It's kinda awesome to feel connected to anyone in that way. Why hide it, right? And maybe that's all I needed was to get down my definition on paper so I could better understand it myself. I'm sure I'll expand on this at some point in the future cuz I don't feel done with it, but that's all I got for now.