Tuesday, March 1, 2011

In My Dreams

Last week I had a weird ass dream involving solar flares and hockey (don't ask). Prior to that I had some...um, other kinds of good dreams involving a woman. But last night I had a dream that was both weird and a little concerning. It probably wouldn't be concerning for most people though. From what I can gather, it was set in the future and I was a very happy camper. I was also taking care of a new baby. Yeah. And I was ecstatic about it, which threw me even more. The timing of this dream was weird because for the first time in probably about two weeks, nobody in my life has mentioned the whole 'you should have more kids' thing. That whole 'more kids' thing gets on my last nerve cuz I don't really understand why people think I should have more. And prior to my having a kid I would have said that I didn't want any cuz it's a cruel, crazy world to bring a kid into. I still do feel that way but a tiny, minuscule part of me has started to creep in and say, "Hey dude, you're already raising one in this crazy joint, what's one more?". And that does make sense. Somehow I've gone from no more kids for sure to actually considering more kids. Obviously it'd be difficult (though not impossible) to have more on my own so I doubt my dream was set in the immediate future. But...yeah...I don't know. Maybe it's just a phase...