Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Two Guys Walk Into A Bar...

Most of my closest friends are turning 30 this year and that blasted number claimed its first victim over the weekend. In a sort of perfect storm scenario, some college friends I'd had an epic prank war with in college were in town for a mini-reunion (with each other, not me and my crew). Since we had friends in common, it was decided we'd combine the two parties and head out for some fun. The birthday boy (R) and I got to the place and met up with the ringleader (A) of the other crew (whom I've just recently gotten back in touch with and whom I had a coulda, woulda situation with in college) and we hung out while waiting for everyone else. A mentions that her sister recently gave birth to baby number four and shows some pics, rendering R suddenly very nervous. She asks him what gives and his answer is just a wee bit completely shocking - he and A's sister had a torrid affair during college. Oh yeah and again a few years ago when she was a deeply religious, married mother of only two. (Jaw, meet floor.)
A was still reeling from this news when the rest of the party goers arrived so she stepped out for a second to gather herself. As everyone introduced and re-introduced themselves, a woman towards the back of the group caught my eye and I immediately looked away and sunk down in my chair. (Eyes, meet floor. Say hello to jaw while you're down there!) She and I had known each other as friends of friends while in college but had rarely spoken. Then we had a two-week fling in Vegas about four years ago that ended badly. A (who had been flirting with me for about a month) walked back in just in time to see this other chick, her friend and former teammate, come over and call me a bastard before walking away. And it got hella-awkward from there. (Me, meet karma.)
What's so weird about having a woman actively interested in me and a woman I wronged in the past at one table, you ask? Oh, I don't know...everything. No one said anything of course, it was just good old-fashioned awkward silence. That is, until one of the best friends of Ms. Wronged wondered out loud how often it is that a group of women get the chance to be in the same room with a man who hurt one of their own. Yeah, that started the convo in an interesting direction. It was a civilized stoning, they were more interested in hearing the details than anything else, but I still would rather have been drifting through space without a helmet than sitting at that table. But I know I had it coming. And eventually the table moved on to other topics so it wasn't as bad as it coulda been. But I tell ya, that karma sneaks up on you when you least expect it.