Thursday, March 3, 2011

"Any dude who waits until Valentines Day to treat his woman like a Queen is failing 364 days a year"

Don't know who said it but I heard it today and I like it. I don't do Valentines Day (which I've said before) cuz it seems completely un-romantic to "celebrate" your love on a day when everyone else is doing the same thing. I think that romance is inspired; you do things because you just can't help yourself, not because it's required on a certain day or because you wanna hold on to the person you're with. Being a dude, I have sometimes forgotten to do all the little things sometimes (other times I just didn't want to, there is a BIG difference there). But also being a hopeless romantic, I can be pretty kick ass in this department when I'm inspired to be. I'm far from good at relationships but I do think that this is where most people lose the plot. Yes, life changes and gets in the way and it gets harder to find time for each other but the successful relationships I've had have all thrived on the element of surprise. Sometimes it's not about spending every second together, it's about doing something small to show you care. Fixing something cuz they need it to be done and don't have time to do it themselves. Making dinner at midnight cuz that's the only time they have free. I think stuff like that means way more than all the big, romantic gesture stuff they show in the movies. But maybe that's just me. Alls I know is the next time I'm in a relationship, I'm gonna remember this saying and apply it.