Thursday, March 24, 2011

(Not So) Secret Lovers

I tend to be one of the go to advice givers amongst my friends and some of family members. I don't usually dish out advice unless asked because it annoys the hell outta me when people do that. So I have been all kindsa silent about the three of my friends involved in (supposedly) no strings sex situations. One has asked for advice and one has talked to me about their situation but didn't ask my opinion (which is just as well cuz they'd do whatever the hell they wanted anyway). And although I worry about what's gonna happen with both of them, I know they can handle whatever's around the corner. They're both strong and know what's what in their situations. The third friend involved in a no strings situation is the one that concerns me the most.
Friend number three is a great guy who just has not had a ton of luck in life and two years ago thought he had met the one for him (the second one anyway, he was engaged in his early twenties but she passed away). This chick was almost perfect for him and she was someone I'd known since high school so I was all for them getting together. But almost doesn't count. She cheated on him, then lied about it and then cheated on him again in his apartment and didn't bother to make excuses when he walked in on them. That was last year but I know he's still reeling from all that went down, it's obvious when you're around him that he's missing the spark he used to have. He wants marriage and kids and the whole happy family life he never got to live out growing up and no one can fault him for that.
Last week he showed up in an unusually chipper mood and I was hoping it was a sign that he was coming out of his funk. Instead, he tells me his good mood is the result of a new relationship he'd entered but he didn't elaborate and I didn't ask who she was. Come to find out she's a woman we're both friends with and she's in the midst of a nasty divorce from an extremely unpredictable man. They're fighting over custody of their son and the husband, deadbeat that he is, is really only making a big deal of things because he can. He doesn't want the kid and has rarely been there for him through the first 8 years of his life. But he is borderline crazy and that worries me because I don't think my friend is thinking clearly at the moment about this. Yes, it's supposedly just sex but I know what he's like when he's really into someone and I'm seeing all those signs now. She's told him that they can't be public about what they're doing and that she'd rather not discuss the future cuz it's likely along ways away since the divorce is just now heating up. She's especially nervous about her estranged husband finding out about it, which worries me like you wouldn't believe. I want my friend to be happy, he deserves it, but I don't want it to come at the cost he may be looking at right now. And I've expressed my concerns, as have other friends, and he's heard them out but made it clear he's not backing off the affair. So...I know it's his decision and I'll support him either way cuz my love isn't conditional but...I really, REALLY hope I'm wrong about his continuing with this relationship being a big mistake.