Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Custody Whoas

My daughter spent last week with her mom on a family trip. They returned on Saturday and I went over to pick up my girl this morning. I missed her like crazy and was ridiculously excited to see her but my excitement was tempered when her mother uttered the words, "Can we talk?". I know what that means and it's never anything good but I figured it was better to get it out of the way now. I assumed it was about her wanting the boy toy to meet me and then the kid, something I was once a little open to and am now completely closed to. But she had much more to say than that. She and the boy toy supposedly became engaged over the weekend. Apparently the event took place not 24 hours after she and I had it out over her sneaking her boyfriend in at night when she has the kid (big, scary dude sneaking into your house in the dark, in the middle of the night - duh, that's gonna cause nightmares for a 2 year old). I basically made it clear in that convo that my child is not gonna meet a dude I think isn't in it for the long haul. And this is her response? WTF?!
I lost my cool on the spot and told her everything I think about this jerk she's now engaged to. I know he's a bad guy, I know he wishes she didn't have a kid cuz he sees it as a pain in the ass to have our daughter around and I know he's using her to get a leg up in the industry. She of course denied that any of that is true and is convinced that if he could meet our child, he would change his tune. Whatever. People who don't like kids and who are as ruthlessly ambitious as this guy is don't suddenly love kids. I've heard stories from her own friends, even ones who could not stand me when we were together, about how this dude rolls his eyes every time she talks about the kid (or me, but that's more understandable) and changes the subject. I mean, if ALL of your friends and your mom and your co-workers and the father of your child (who in this case really does just want what's best for both her and the kid) think he's using you, wouldn't that be a big, huge red flag?! Ugh...it's like she's lost all the sense she had as a parent since she met this guy. I can't tell anymore if she's always putting the kid first in her life but this certainly doesn't inspire confidence that that's the case. She's 43 freakin' years old with an almost-3 year old child and a divorce behind her...it's too late to be caught up in this high school romance type sh*t. It's almost as if she's daring me to try and do something I really, REALLY do not wanna do.