Sunday, March 20, 2011

Baby Fever

This could be nothing but I figure I should put it down anyway as a reminder to myself. My daughter is still mildly convinced I'm actively working on getting her a sister, even though I've explained that's not exactly right. Tuesday afternoon I went to the grocery store to pick up some stuff for a birthday party and the lady in line in front of me was taking for-freakin'-ever to pay (by check...who does that anymore?! Old people, that's who. And for some reason they can't write ANYTHING on the check, not the date, not the store name, until they get the total amount...but I digress). This lady had the cutest little boy sitting in the basket and he started talking to me (as best he could, he was only about 2) about his new toy. No big deal, I thought, cuz I'm a sucker for anything baby (animals, clothes, toys).
Wednesday afternoon I go to lunch with my mom and in the booth behind us is a little dude who couldn't have been older than 4 who was just fascinated with my sunglasses (which were hanging on the back of my shirt). He would look at himself in them and then asked if he could hold them (a 4-year-old who asks before taking, sign me up for that). He put 'em on his face and looked around the restaurant and then turned around and ate his lunch. This turned the convo between my mom and I into one about kids, where she clarified that the only reason she asks me about having more is because kids seem to genuinely make me happy and I'm good with them. And that is very true.
Yesterday I went to pick up the cake for this birthday party, hauling with me no less than six kids. Yes, SIX KIDS, my daughter, two nieces and three nephews. So we're all waiting in this long ass line and I can like feel eyes on me from somewhere but I figure I'm just paranoid and ignore it. Then this chick gets in line behind us and says I don't look old enough to have six kids and I totally took the bait (gotta love compliments that include the words 'you don't look old enough' right?). We talked for a few and then my group got to the counter to order and the employee at the counter (an older women) also made a comment about the kids and added that my wife lucked out if I was able to handle them all on my own (I was sporting a ring on that finger). Then she asked when we were going for 'lucky number seven' since I obviously loved kids and they loved me. And I'm wondering if it's possible that total strangers can sense some vibe I'm giving off that other peeps can't. Cuz this is not the first time I've heard something like that from a stranger. These baby-related incidents could also just all be coincidence, I know. But it's...I don't know, something.