Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ain't We All Just Runaways

Good news: I don't have Leukemia. My spleen and I will soon part ways, but hey, we had a good 31 year run. (I'll miss you spleen!) I'm VERY relieved that that seems to be the worst of the diagnosis though. Hopefully I can get the anemia back in check and everything works out. Gooder news: I was Googling possible diagnosis last week until I was told not to do so anymore. Instead, I decided to download music because it'd been ages since I'd gotten some new tunes. And I found some pretty good new music out there. So now I am without cancer AND my music libary (yes, libary because that's how my daughter says it right now) is updated. This is my favorite of the tunes I've downloaded. It's a new song but it reminds me of my teen years (amongst other things) for some reason. Also, I had a conversation last week with a friend about a paper they were writing on a form of anemia someone they once knew had. It veered into territory neither of us could've imagined. Oh and one last note, Jo-Willy lost out on playing in the Gold Medal game in singles (*falls to knees* JO-WILLYYYYYY!!!!!), but won silver in doubles. I'm over the Olympics now since it's basically just Track and other sports no one cares about, although I am still keeping an eye on a few sports. (Btw, did you know Tug of War used to be an Olympic sport? Now that's one thing I could qualify in. RIO 2016, baby!!) I'll be back for the Closing Ceremony. I leave you with the best anemia convo EVER.

Friend: I know a little boy who has Diamond Blackfan Anemia...He's had to get transfusions every two weeks since he was born
Me: That's awful. But I wish my anemia had a kick ass ninja name like that
Friend: Right?
Me: Diamond Blackman Anemia is an awesome name
Me: lol BlackFAN. Not blackman. But that would be awesome too
Friend: LOL
Me: The tiny Shaft in my blood
Me: Or I could called him Samuel L. Jackson cuz that dude's in everything
Friend: LOL I just let out a retarded giggle at the thought of Samuel L. Jackson being in you
Me: LOL In my blood dammit!
Friend: Noooope! You're stuck with Samuel L. Jackson being in you