Friday, August 3, 2012

But You Say He's Just A Friend, But You Say He's Just A Friend...

I had to go in for all kinds of awful tests this week, but I don't wanna talk or think about that. While I was sitting in the waiting room the other day I overheard two women talking about some story they'd seen on television yesterday about whether or not straight men and women can be just friends. Ya'll know where I stand on the subject since I've had the same best friend since birth and she just happens to be female. We grew up together, she was my first kiss and we were roommates throughout college and for awhile afterward. It's never been a big deal for either of us, but in college we found out that not everyone is as comfortable with it as we are. She brought home a dude she was dating and I was sitting on the couch watching TV. This guy immediately got all upset and started asking why there was "some dude" at her place and she said she'd told him she had a roommate and didn't think it would be a problem that I was a dude. So he says to her, he says, "Well it's not a big deal if you're not sleeping with him". Cuz me must be getting it on if we live together and aren't of the same sex. Needless to say, he couldn't handle it and they never went out again. A repeat of this event happened post-college as well, but with me bringing home a date who couldn't handle that I lived with a woman. I still don't understand the big deal.
Can straight women and men be just friends? Of course they can. I have female friends that I've never slept with or made out with or thought about doing either of those things with. I also have female friends (and acquaintances) that I've done both of those things with. I think it really depends on the people involved in the friendship. One of my best guy friends was dating this Bible thumper chick recently who took offense to his close friendships with his girl friends. Our little group consists of four dudes and two chicks (occasionally a third chick) and we're all in pretty constant contact everyday. One of the girls texted him at two in the morning because she was freaking out about something and needed to talk. His lady friend freaked the hell out and laid into him saying there was no way he was just friends with a chick texting him at that hour. Seriously? She's known for months now that his friends are comprised of dudes AND chicks, but she just brings up her objections now? He tried to cool her damn jets by telling her that most of us have lived together at some point or another and now apparently Little Miss Jesus thinks we're involved in some type of orgy club (which we all find HILARIOUS). I don't know why she doesn't think we could all just be friends. But I guess everyone's view differs.