Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Going For Gold

Some observations and comments from those near and dear to me about the Olympic Games.

(On the Opening Ceremony)

"What...the fuck...was that...?" - Pretty much everyone I know. That sh-t was terrible.

(On Men's Tennis)

Me: What are you doing?
Mom: Watching tennis
Me: I didn't know you even liked tennis
Mom: I just like to look at the men
Me: ...Oh...
Mom: Same with water polo. And they have an underwater camera and they wear the tiny Speedos
Me: Can we talk about anything else please?
Mom: When are you getting married and giving me more grandchildren?
Me: So Speedos, huh?

(On Men's and Women's swimming)

Mom: I hate the breaststroke, it's the slowest race and takes forever.
Bro: Well they have to have it. Someone has to win the Gold in the breaststroke.
Me: Yeah...let's see who is the best at stroking those breasts.
Sis: LOL. Wow...
Mom: They breaststroke so slowly too
Bro: I didn't think the Olympics were open minded enough to televise both men and women stroking breasts.
Me: I wonder what it's like to be the best breaststroker in the world...
Bro: LOL
Mom: Not worth it if that's all you can stroke

My favorite name of an Olympian so far? Jo-Wilifried Tsonga. He's a French tennis player who goes by the nickname of, 'Jo-Willy'. How can that not make you smile?