Thursday, August 9, 2012

Parade Of Nations (And An Anatomy Lesson For One Lucky Fella)

G: And Iran, Iran so far away
Me: LOL. Czech you and your fancy iPhone out
G: LMAO Aussie you understand the typos so well
Me: lol Israeli funny to me
G: LMAO I'm Russian to forward this to everybody
Me: LOL Nice!
Y: Ya'll have no idea how Hungary I am
A: lol Norway you'll be able to eat before 3, I bet
R: LOL Well I just can't Belize that
Me: LOL Oman that was funny
Y: LMAO! I'm Ghana go to lunch now
E: Guinea a minute and I'll join you
G: lol Where Uganda go eat?
A: LOL. Something without too much Greece
R: I'm in the mood for Turkey myself
G: Don't forget to finish your meal off with something Sweden
Y: I think I'll have a Romanian salad. Are you here yet?
A: LOL. If Ukraine your neck, you can see where I am
Me: I'm sorry I Congo to lunch with ya'll
E: LOL Wow Uruguay
G: LMAO!! Are you Syria with that comment right now?
R: Kenya not be so rude lol
Me: I'm Nepal by that comment
Y: LOL I wish I Chad more time for this convo
E: Me too. This convo has been so Labia
Me: LOL! Wow...
R: ...Anyone want to tell him what's wrong with that? lol
E: ? Why is it so funny? Cuz I spelled it wrong?
Y: Are you near a computer or smartphone or woman who won't slap you for asking personal questions?
E: No to all
Y: Libya is a country. Labia is a part of the female anatomy.
E: LOL, I was way off
R: Yes. You. Were. But that was hilarious
G: Guys, now we're off the country path
A: Amen!
G: lol Ya'll suck. I don't think Taiwan to have this conversation anymore

(It really is amazing the awesomeness you can accomplish when you should be doing something else. Love it.)