Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Deep Thoughts

There's a show called "Married At First Sight" that uses scientific methods to pair two strangers with one another. These people don't meet until their wedding day and then they have to navigate all things relationship-y post-marriage. I mentioned the show to a friend and she took immediate interest, although our opinions about the overall concept were night and day. Frankly, I found it stupid to put your entire future into some scientific method and into the hands of total strangers, even if they were "experts" in their chosen fields. I also found it quite interesting that of the three couples they paired up, not a single one was interfaith or interracial. The friend says the reason for the lack of interfaith couples was because they had asked each person about their beliefs and what beliefs they desired in their partner, and that I can see as being a valid reason. But it still irked me that everyone got paired with their carbon copy. Anyway, the friend has apparently stuck with the show and its finale revealed that two of the three couples supposedly fell in love and remained married to one another. Given our difference of opinion, I'm sure she just couldn't wait to tell me that the experiment kinda, sorta worked...

Friend: Speaking of weddings
Friend: That "Marriage At First Sight" had their season finale and revealed that 2 out of the 3 couples ended up falling in love and are still married
Me: Good for them. Still think it's a dumb concept
Friend: They're looking for people for season 2. You should apply and tell them so yourself.
Me: Psssh, hellllll NO. I'm not interested in telling my kids I met their mother via a scientific method
Friend: I wouldn't care. I'd says "gather round now's really good at making poor she turned to science and here you is"
Me: I wouldn't even do that. Poor choices have a hand in making us who we are and leading us to who we're meant to be with. If you give your life over to some scientific method, you wipe out a huge part of what makes life worth living.
Friend: You're gonna make me cry, you surprisingly deep muhfucka
Me: LMAO. You know I love it when you compliment me and backhand me all at once.
Friend: lol that's what wives are for