Sunday, September 14, 2014

I Got 99 Womensz And Bicker With Every One

Me: So Miss N is upset with me because she didn't get new shoes and Y is annoyed because I didn't edit something to her liking.
G: lol Remember when you only had one woman's feelings/demands/needs to juggle?
Me: G, I juggled my mother and my sister for 9 months. I gained a Y three months after I exited the womb, along with my grandma, aunts and cousins. Then Miss N and MOC were added to the equation. So no, I don't remember when I only had to juggle one woman lol.
G: LOL. You know...I'd never thought about that. But now it's like you were never destined to have just one woman. Like you're genetically prone to juggling more women than a clown at a carnival.
Me: lol Pretty much