Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Me And My Openis

Me: It looks like Brad Pitt's wedding band is gold. I didn't know they still made those
Friend: Why? Cuz people be gettin' all fancy now?
Me: Idk. I think the gold ones look tacky
Me: Says the dude who wild gnaw his own hand off before choosing a wedding band
Friend: Zaaaackly
Me: I can still have an opinion and make fun of others! This is 'Murricah
Friend: You and your penis are what's wing with this country!!
Me: LOL well I wouldn't say it's a wing
Me: LMAO. How does opinions become penis??
Friend: The Swype keyboard did it
Friend: (Though it ain't completely wrong)
Me: lol wow
Friend: I blame your gizmo for err'thang
Me: Well that's probably acc'urate
Me: I'm posting this to my blog.
Friend: lol oh lovely