Wednesday, September 17, 2014

There's Nowhere You Can Be That Isn't Where You're Meant To Be, It's Easy

It's been an incredibly...interesting past few days. Life is about to change in one way or another and it's equal parts intriguing and scary. Change and I are mortal enemies but, when given no other choice, I can learn to accept it as being a potentially good thing (although I will still gripe about it having to happen). I was thinking last night about when I acquired my "teenager" all those years ago. At the time, I was still a bit of a mess and in no position to tackle something like parenthood, especially of a kid already in her troublesome years. I still remember sitting down in my apartment contemplating whether or not I was going to let her stay and my girlfriend at the time breaking me out of my fog and asking what I was thinking about. She'd been working the entire day as this was happening and I didn't want to interrupt her during what was a pretty big work event so she knew nothing about anything going on. I told her that the teenager wanted to move here, finish high school and then start college and that whether any of that happened hinged on my decision. She sat down next to me in sort of stunned disbelief and didn't say anything. She got up and started to do something else and I asked her if she thought I could do this. The reply - "There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.". Then she kissed me and said, "it's easy". And it was exactly what I needed to hear in that moment. And it's stuck with me every time I come up against a difficult decision, or find myself in an undesirable situation. Life is completely unpredictable and, in many cases, it never goes according to plan. Sometimes you just gotta trust that what is happening is what's best for you, even if you disagree in the moment. My first instinct with the teenager situation was to say she couldn't live with me and send her home because I was afraid of how it would change my life. But I didn't go on my first instinct. I let it sit for a few and decided to jump in totally unprepared because a part of me believed there was a reason for it. And there was. I'm extremely thankful that things ended up the way they did because she and I are both better off for it. We were always meant to end up in that situation together. The same can be said for Miss N, MOC and I. It didn't happen the ideal way but that doesn't really bother me because everything is for a reason. And everything that is potentially on the horizon for me, everything that may be about to change, is happening for a reason. And for once, I'm quite content to let change take its course.