Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Baby New Year

I wasn't going to write a sappy end of the year post but a friend of mine did so on Facebook and it got me thinking about how I owe so many people a big thank you for this year. 99.9% of stuff in my life was pretty damn good and it's because of the connections and conversations and experiences I shared with ya'll. My family continue to be amazing and a wonderfully goofy source of support. I absolutely loved watched a lot of you flourish in so many ways this year; professionally, personally, as human beings. I'm proud of you for powering through the BS and finding all your happy places (that sounds dirty, but it's not meant to be...ok, maybe it is for Crazy Aunt's sake). To the inner circle that is Y, G, A, E and R...we went through A LOT this year and it brought us all closer, which I never would've thought was possible. Thank you for being my besties. Agent W, you is also one of the best besties a fool could ask for and I'm immensely thankful we found our way back into each other's lives. BJ por vida (or until we get bored and start a new endeavor)! S, thank you for shall we say...lack of hospitality during my stay with you last month, and for the awesome advice. Let's do this ish in 2015 (finally!). Lu, our time together was short but thank you for the long talks and the infectious enthusiasm you continue to give off. I look forward to many more awesome projects next year. Savi, you are wise-ish beyond your years (I said ish, don't get it twisted). Your insight and hilariousness made for some memorable moments this year and I hope it's only the beginning of an awesome friendship.
I learned a lot of things in 2014. I learned what my worth is, I learned how to be a better person overall. And I re-learned something I've long known but forgot in recent years and that is that life is a choice. You choose to be happy, you choose to let sadness overwhelm you, you choose to lead with love or you choose to create your own drama. You choose to change yourself or your circumstances if you're unhappy, and if you don't change, then you get what you get. A professor of mines used to say that the way your life turns out is dictated by how you choose to live it, so if you're disappointed in the outcome, you only have yourself to blame. And he's right. I made many good decisions this year; re-dedicating myself to my faith, taking on certain projects, accepting people back into my life. And I reaped the benefits of those good decisions. But I also made some bad ones and got what was coming to me for having done so. But everything is a learning process and everything happens for a reason. I hope 2015 brings genuine happiness to everyone I love (and hey, it wouldn't hurt if one of you became fantastically wealthy and chose to share the riches). Thank you 2014 for being kind, here's hoping 2015 does the same.