Monday, January 19, 2015

And The Truth Is We Don't Know About How Or Why Or Where Or When We Go

In a few months, Miss N will be turning 7 and I will be turning 34. I'm having a harder time wrapping my head around my daughter being 7 than I am about being 34. I think that's because I don't feel 34. Hell, I don't even feel like I'm in my 30's most of the time (fortunately my body slaps my dainty ass back into line by saying, "Nah, son, you're not young enough to do that kinda physical activity anymore".). I think people place too much emphasis on age. For years, you're supposedly too young to know things, then you cross the line into being too old to learn new things or change your ways. And then we die. Well, that last part was morbid but you get the point. I firmly believe we're only as old as we feel and I'm feeling younger than my 33 3/4 years. Admittedly, I enjoy poking fun at the ages of others (who doesn't?) but have found that I'm surprisingly unaffected when people try to make fun of mine. I mean, I did threaten to throw the teenager (who graduates from COLLEGE this year, btw. So freakin' proud.) out onto the street if she called me, "Old man" one more time. But aside from that, all the age comments just roll right off me. Yeah, I'm about to be 34. And you know what? I'm glad to have the opportunity. This year marks 13 since I almost bit the dust, 13 years since I was given Last Rites and my family was told to say their goodbyes. And here I am still hanging around after all this time. I've always been told how lucky I am to have come through all of that but rarely does it occur to me just how lucky I really am. I think this year will be the one I do everything I've ever wanted to but have been putting off. No time like the present, right?