Thursday, January 22, 2015

Ride It

Me: I just heard the best hooker name ever.
Me: Carousel. Because everyone gets a ride.
W: That is a good one. I almost want to change my name to just sounds pretty.
W: Go ahead. Judge.
Me: I will support you by getting you a bumper sticker that says, "Everyone gets a ride".
W: 'Magine how much more legit BJ will sound with Carousel Bermudez as one of the founders.
Me: LMAO. I hadn't put it with your last name yet.
W: lol AND Giuseppe Carrasco!
Me: I sound sub-par. I need a hooker name now.
W: Hmmm...I'd just call you Cinnabon. Cuz a girl is left sticky and full of regret.
Me: LOL. I don't know if I should slap you or commend you for your fine work, my friend.
W: LOL. I'm sure you'll find a way to do both.
W: "Carousel and Cinnabon" should be a buddy sitcom.
Me: Cinnabon Carrasco. My bidness cards can say, "I'm all about that glaze, bout that glaze and love Fruity Pebbles".
W: LOL. "Hey guuuurl, want some of this love frosting?"
Me: Fonz bless Carousel for inspiring this conversation.