Saturday, January 24, 2015

Thanks For The Mammaries

In honor of Agent W's "21st" birthday today:


I put together an elliptical machine on Wednesday night and got hit in the head by it the next morning (thanks, Y). I sent a picture to Agent W of the machine and she asked me where one is supposed to sit on it.

W: I was just staring at your machine and finally made out the pedals.
Me: BUT can you find the seat?
W: Ha. Ha.
Me: Well, I think I'm funny. Especially for a handicapped person.
W: You also might have a concussion sooooo.....
W: And yet, I have no excuse lol
Me: LOL. I love when you do the work for me.
Me: "Oh yeah??? Well, I'm slow just cuz so there!"
W: LOL Yes sir, you are welcome.
W: Sure showed you.
Me: lol Damn right you did.



Agent W posted a picture to Facebook of guess pastry her mother had put candles on and presented to her as a birthday offering. The thing is, her birthday wasn't on Friday. And the pastry looked like a breast, complete with nipple.

Me: LOL. I'm glad Mama B remembers the important things. Like your correct date of birth.
W: LOL Right?
W: I look at her, "I'm no expert, ma...but you were there, right?"
Me: lol And then she brings you some random bun.
W: Yep, a bun that looks like a tit.
Me: Well, she did shover her mammaries in your face 30 years ago. Maybe the bun was for old times sake.
W: "Flashback Friday for what you drank dry".
W: Mom said she was hoping the candles would hide the nipple.
Me: lol Now there's a sentence you don't hear everyday.
W: LOL I just re-read the sentence.
Me: I don't which part of it was better. Your mom trying to hide a nipple or her thinking candles were the way to go.