Sunday, July 12, 2015

Comin' Outta My Shirt, And Then My Skirt Came Down

Me: I was just gonna text you actually
Me: I came across a new kind of Keebler cookies today and I...I felt things
Me: One was PB filling covered in fudge and peanuts
Me: And the other was coconut filling covered in fudge and salted caramel
Me: I wanted them sooooooo bad #JesusTakeTheWheel
Me: I felt like a woman of the 90's on Slim Fast
W: LMAO. That coconut thing sounds sinful.
Me: Oh my god, there were pictures of the cookies on the package too...I was feeling so good, I had to touch myself.
Me: Not sure if it was the elves or the cookies that did it
W: LOL #Supafreak
Me: #NoShame
W: #NoBlame