Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hat Trick

Just when I thought it was safe to call it a recovery, I ended up in my second home, the ER, again last night. That makes three times in exactly a week. Only this time it wasn't an internal injury, it was an accident at my house. I was walking into my nephews' room when I realized that one of the screws on his door was coming undone and sticking out. So I decided to abandon my original mission of getting his shoe and instead go get a screwdriver and fix the door. Then, he shot off into the room, running at full speed, to get his shoes himself and I took off after him to make sure he didn't cut the corner too short and cut himself. Guess who did cut the corner too short and cut his arm? Yeah, me. While for most people this would be no big deal, you'd get a band-aid and move on with your life, I could very well bleed to death from even a small cut (yet another fun side effect of my meds), and this wasn't exactly small. So I grab the kid, grab a friend from across the hall and head to the hospital. The nurse at the desk is the same one who has helped care for me the last two visits and the look on her face was priceless. Seriously, how many people vacation every few days at their local hospital? She already knew why the cut was a big deal and she grabbed this gauze looking pad from the supply room and stuck it right on my arm. The bleeding immediately stopped. She sent me home with a box of these pads later on. Anyway, she said she should just let me go home and forget the entire visit happened, since I'd been their best customer lately. But no...she was concerned that I may have lost a little too much blood on the way over and so I had to stay for an hour to get tests. Thankfully, everything checked out and I got to go home at a reasonable time. I totally owe that chick coffee or something. So, I got the hat trick in hospital visits and I hope that'll be it for a long time to come. NOW, I'm hopeful that a full recovery is next.