Monday, July 28, 2008

Still Unwell

I spent my weekend on the couch. Not by choice, but because breathing issues forced another doctor visit and his advice was to relax. I thought that's what I'd been doing but apparently not. Taking it easy is not at all an easy thing for me to do. From the time I get up in the morning, until the wee hours of the night, I'm always doing something. Very rarely do I actually just sit down and do nothing. It feels like a waste of time to me. But the girlfriend has layed down the law and informed me that resting is exactly what I'll be doing for the foreseeable future. On the bright side, I've gotten to spend a ton of time with the Mrs.
Last night, while out filling yet another prescription at the store, the Mrs. ran into an old friend of her sister, whom she used to date. It was obvious to her that this guy still felt something for her and he asked for her number, so he could call her and get her sister's number later on (she'd left her phone in the car). Sensing what was going on, she got his number instead to pass it on to her sister, then she came home and we launched into a conversation about our exes (during a rare moment of drug-free clarity for me). She was never really serious about this guy but she broke it off after he made it clear that he only wanted to hook up with her and nothing more because she's not the same race as him. She didn't see the point in sticking around anymore. Nothing surprises either of us about our pasts or past loves. We've both dated all kinds of colors and faiths and it doesn't seem like a big deal to us. I can honestly say that I've never thought twice about going out with anyone because of their color. And I've never felt like there was less of a chance of things working out because our colors or faiths were different. My family is one of the most tolerant bunch of people I know, so maybe that's why I don't think in terms of color. I wouldn't be here if not for an interfaith/racial relationship. My Grandma was Hispanic and Catholic and my Grandpa was white and a Southern Baptist. But they were also both stubborn and decided they were in love and that was that. My Grandpa was in the process of converting his religion so they could get re-married in a church, when he died. I think it's great that we live in a society that's growing more tolerant of mixed relationships. My girlfriend is a product of an interracial relationship and so is our daughter. As are a good amount of my nieces and nephews. I understand that some people would rather marry someone who is their own color or faith. I can see how that would make things somewhat easier. But I don't get those who completely close themselves off to the possibility of even dating anyone outside their race. The way I see it, you go with who you're drawn to. Who cares what color they are? Relationships are work either way. My girlfriend and I aren't an interfaith couple, but we are interracial. And that is, surprisingly, still a problem for some people. We get looked at when we're out together and our daughter (who has almost blonde hair, almost green eyes and darker skin) is always stared at. I'd like to think because she's so gorgeous but I know that it's likely for other reasons sometimes. Why the hate? Why not just accept that everyone loves differently and that people can be very proud of their heritage while dating someone of another background?