Thursday, July 21, 2011

As Long As I Can Dream, It's Hard To Slow This Swinger Down

Ah, friends. The smartassed little sounding boards sent down to help us make sense of the world....or talk us down from the ledge. I am one of those with a tendency to get myself all worked up over things in record time. I've been told it's a good quality cuz not many people can get excited about things with a childlike enthusiasm when they're thir...uh...let's say, older. But it can also have the downside of major letdowns, which is why I'm glad I have friends to talk me down (even if in a smartass manner). Yesterday I was talking to a friend in my usual very excited manner and, in typical fashion, she was dousing water on the flames and bringing me back down to earth. I don't say that as a bad thing at all because I needed to see the other side of things. And it helped me but, also in typical fashion, I pretty much ignored the advice. Not ALL of it, just the usual amount I ignore her advice.
This is the nature of my relationship with this person. I jokingly call her my Yoda or my moral compass (since only zombie me has morals) because she has a remarkable ability to put up with me like few can. Somehow she knows stuff; when I'm upset, when my day sucks, when I'm genuinely happy. I can't count how many times I've told her about one chick or another I was excited about and every time she told me to slow my roll because it was too early to tell. Nor can I count how many times she's put on her chick hat and counseled me about how women think. What do I contribute to the conversation, you ask? Well...I make her laugh. And I make her feel like she's banging her head against the wall when I ignore her advice. So yeah, not sure what she gets outta this but I'm glad she puts up with me.
For the longest time, we were the yin to each other's yang. If she was having a bad day, I was having a fantastic one. If I was in the midst of romantic turmoil, she was happily taken. We even joked that if I had the worst day known to man, she'd probably win the lottery. Most of this yin and yang effect has only been about our romantic lives and hasn't really extended to any other area of our lives. In fact, we're both totally thrown by the fact that our lives now seem to be running parallel. For the first time, we're both navigating the dating world at the same time and the stories are eerily similar. Same drama, same 'you wouldn't believe what happened on my date' stories. It's crazy. I finally feel like I have something to contribute to the relationship since I have no shortage of dating experience. It'll be interesting to see if it stays this way or if we shift back to the opposites thing. Of course, the one thing that will apparently never change, is that I still get overly excited and she still talks me down. And the irony of it all is that it's a usually dreamy Aquarian who has to bring a normally grounded Taurean back down to earth.