Monday, July 4, 2011

Something Wicked This Way Comes

So while my brother is still off being an idiot, my sister-in-law has been off trying to get on with her life. Part of this practice has involved spending a fair amount of time with me and some of my friends. It's been fun but my best friend recently pointed out that there may be some sort of treachery afoot. Basically, it seems as though my best guy friend and my sister-in-law may have something going on with one another. *insert raised eyebrow here* At first I denied my best friends claim that there was something up, I told her she was just seeing things that weren't really there (if you knew my best friend, you'd find my assuming she's crazy to be a reasonable first conclusion in this situation). But lately I've started to realize she's right. And I'm not sure how I feel about that.
If my sis-in-law had already filed for divorce, or even legal separation, I would not have a problem with her doing whatever she may be doing with my best guy friend. But that's not the case. So I find myself torn about the entire situation. I don't condone cheating in any form but part of me can't blame her. And he's a fantastic guy who deserves to finally get a break but the circumstances might also lead to him getting very hurt. Nobody wants that. It is possible that it's just a fling for him and an early attempt at rebounding by her. But I've seen him like this before and I don't think it's a fling. I haven't said anything cuz I know it's not my business. But...I hope this doesn't explode and turn into something bad.