Thursday, November 17, 2011

Get Well Soon Mr. R

I had a blog all ready to go about my sister and her partner contemplating have baby number four. But I just got a call from my sister informing me their youngest son is back in the hospital and they think he has pneumonia. Scary stuff for sure. This kid is ridiculously articulate and the sweetest kid I've ever met in my life. My sister and bro-in-law had debated adopting for awhile before starting the process, which took less time than they anticipated when they were given the chance to adopt a child with "special needs" (in quotes because I don't think being deaf is necessarily a special need but whatever). They adopted him two years ago and he and my daughter have been inseparable since. Whenever they're in the same place, they're together. I think the two of them sign better than any of the rest of us and it's cute to watch. This is the second time in about a month that little Mr. R has had to go to the hospital, but the last time was much less serious. I was supposed to head home this weekend for the holiday anyway but my trip just moved up. I wanna be there and help out anyway I can. Get well soon little dude.