Thursday, December 22, 2011

All I Want For Christmas Is Some Icy Hot

Actually, I would prefer that version of Icy Hot that doesn't have a scent. Because the smell of Icy Hot just screams, "There is an old person in this vicinity!" and I'm not ready to go there yet. I'm home for the holidays and yesterday it was sunny and about 40 degrees and you didn't even need a jacket. Today? A foot and a half of snow and about 15 degrees (it'll be 8 degrees overnight). I woke up with a backache and then shoveled some snow, which didn't make the pain worse but also didn't help it. I did find the shoveling oddly calming though, which was new. I'm indifferent about snow in general. I grew up around it and have been through more than a few blizzards and I always find it funny when people complain about a little bit of snow. I loved snow as a kid because I got to play in it and then go inside for hot chocolate. I loathed it as a teenager cuz it meant I had to shovel and clean off the car before school. But now I guess I don't really care one way or another. Snow is nice though when it brings out the kid in you and you throw snowballs at small children for kicks. And when you see kids building snowmen (or 'oh-mans', as the younger kids call them) before heading into the house for hot cocoa and breakfast (which brought us the phrase 'awfuls', instead of 'waffles'). So today's snow was good. Maybe it will be a white Christmas.