Monday, December 12, 2011

Ode To The Birthday Girl

Miss M...been a long couple of years for you, kid. And yet it doesn't seem like that long at all. I still remember the day you were born. I definitely remember your mother's pregnancy and the mood swings that would not end. Good times for all. Now here we are on your second birthday and you are nothing like what any of us expected. But then maybe we should've expected a little hell raising considering your genes and the fact that your mom went into false labor six times before you finally decided to grace us with your presence. (I still maintain you were laughing every time we got all excited about the possibility of birth, you kicked something fierce after every trip to the hospital). I love all of your cousins but I do feel some kind of extra bond with you and your brother, probably because I've actually had a hand in raising you both. And I write to all of you on your birthdays and other special days because they fly by way too fast and I hope that someday ya'll get to read what I wrote you. And maybe you'll think I'm a gigantic nerd for doing it but maybe you'll understand why I do it once you get older and/or become parents yourselves.
You are more mobile than any child I have ever been around. You started walking at nine months (so did I, high five!) and you have terrorized anyone who's in charge of watching you since. And when you take off you run like the devil is chasing you. Maybe you're gonna be an Olympic sprinter someday and you're just training yourself early. But it's both funny and terrifying when you run off because sometimes you try and run for the street. (And you need to stop that or someone is gonna get hit by a car trying to catch you.)
You are a very resourceful young lady. This time last year you discovered how to unlatch your crib and your playpen and gave your mother a heart attack when you tumbled out of your crib. You've since taken this skill a step further and figured out how to undo every child lock known to man. If we turn our back on you for thirty seconds you're into a cabinet or trying to open a door. Maybe you're gonna bust yourself (or your boy toy) out of a maximum security prison someday. I hope not, but hey it's still a good skill to have.
You are a climber. And you are less than graceful in your scaling. (Don't fight your lack of coordination, it's a family trait.) A few weeks ago you and I spent some time together and I turned around to talk to somebody. When I turned back to check on you, you were climbing on the couch, lost your footing and fell onto the carpet. You cut your little arm and I patched you up and held you while you cried for twenty minutes. Then you decided you didn't need no band-aid and you ripped it off and stuck it to the coffee table in defiance. Maybe you're gonna be as stubborn as me when you grow up. (Another family trait, although there is some discussion about whether or not you can fight it.)
You are in love with all things sports. Nick Jr.? Not for you. The ONLY way to make sure you stay on the couch and are quiet and entertained is to turn on a sporting event of any kind. You will sit there fascinated for hours and blink so little that we have to snap our fingers in front of your face to make sure you're alive. Hockey (woo!), football, baseball, soccer, basketball, boxing, you don't care as long as there's action. And it's hilarious to see this tiny little girly girl in all pink watching sports. Maybe you're gonna be a coach or a statistician or an athlete. Personally I think you would make a darn good coach now. And if you choose to be that, I will be at all of your games to watch you coach. Not sure what the equivalent of that is for statisticians but I'll figure it out and do that too.
The point is that I will love and support you no matter what you choose to be. And I cannot wait to see how all of that is going to turn out. You're very independent and as soon as you learn to do something, you wanna do it without assistance from then on. You're unlike anyone else in this sideshow of a family. And although it hasn't been the easiest of rides your first few years, I promise you it will only get better. You have a million people who love you and would do anything for you. Never forget that.