Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Friendship Is A Single Soul Dwelling In Two Bodies" - Aristotle

I got a text around noon yesterday saying, "I heard you died. Soooo...can I have your coffee maker? ;p". And with that, I was launched into some quality time with the best people I know. I was a huge fan of "Lost" and while a lot of people didn't like the series finale of that show, I thought it was brilliantly done and I loved the takeaway. The idea that we're linked to certain people in this life, the next and every life past who are there for all the important moments of our lives really struck a chord with me. I like that idea a lot. And I definitely have my little group to move through the ages with. These folks are without question soulmates to me. I've known all of them at least a decade, and a few since childhood. We've been through major losses, huge gains, two weddings, five engagements, two babies, a car accident, cancer and countless good and bad ideas. I can't imagine what I'd do without them. We're like a bunch of old marrieds now. Everybody knows everybody's business and everybody dishes out unsolicited advice. And that is incredibly comforting. They were there when the world came down the first time and they'll be there if it ever happens again. They bring me back down when I get too excited and carried away about something, as I am so often prone to do. They set me straight when I screw up or when I get in my own way and try and sabotage what's good for me. They show up unexpectedly when I've had a bad day or a health scare and cheer me up without even doing anything special. We're very similar in some ways (relationship patterns, anyone?) but extremely different in others. But we still gel. And it's amazing we're all still standing considering where we've been. And times like this weekend remind me of how lucky we really are. I don't use the word blessed very often but I definitely feel very blessed to have all of them in my life. Both this life and the next one.