Thursday, December 8, 2011

Break On Through To The Other Side

Hello there, it's good to be back in the land of the bloggers. It's good to be back in general. A very hectic and kinda scary few days round these parts. My teenager is still wanting to move out once the year turns over and, while I'm on board with the plan, her father is not. He wants her to stay with me until she graduates in 2013 (rapture permitting, of course). She's resistant to that idea and I can't say I blame her. She's thought about moving out for awhile, she can afford to do it if she has roommates and I'm sure she'll do just fine out in the world. Her dad vetoed the plan and when she resisted to doing what he wanted, he threatened to pull her tuition. What the hell kinda sense does that make? Granted, college degrees (especially in "creative" majors) are a bit obsolete now but she's more than halfway home so she may as well finish the race. And what kind of message is he sending anyway by making it more difficult for her to get an education? I don't get it. Dude can hold a grudge like nobody though and I know he's still upset that I agreed to take in his daughter instead of sending her right back to him. He's yet to actually follow through on the threat (I think because my aunt has taken him to task about it) so the plan to move out is still in motion. And I don't see the big deal. I love her like she's my own and if I had a single worry about her leaving then I would be protesting about it. But I really feel like it's the best thing for her. We've had five years together and it's been quite a ride but I think our relationship will improve greatly if we're no longer under the same roof. I just hope her father comes around.
The scary part of the last day or so involves the teenager and me and my anemia. Monday I had my second round of IV drugs but didn't get the same drunken high the first batch gave me (much to the chagrin of...well, everyone I know and love, who were looking for another free show). Instead I got this awful joint pain, which I had the first time but not immediately and not as bad. I'm supposed to check with the doc before I take any other medication so I inquired about what I could use for the joint pain and he recommended an OTC pill. I took two and it barely made a dent in the pain. The next day I called the doc again and he prescribed another painkiller, something I wanted to avoid like the plague but was willing to try cuz the pain was so terrible. It worked very, very slowly. I took the pill at like 4 but still had pain until about 1 in the morning. On top of that I have this cough (side effect of the IV meds) that is getting on my last damn nerve. Yeah, that was all kindsa fun. I finally fell asleep around 2 and had set my alarm for 9 so I could deal with some stuff in the morning. But that never happened. My alarm went off and it didn't rouse me. The teenager came home from a class and heard the alarm going off and came into my room to find me still asleep in bed. She tried to wake me and couldn't and she swears that I wasn't breathing when she found me (but I was more likely just deep sleeping). She freaked out, shook me really hard and I woke up and started coughing and it was hard for me to take a deep breath. I spent the day in the hospital and I'm off the painkiller now but it was definitely a little freaky. I cannot wait to be through with the last two doses (I hope) of this medication.