Thursday, December 15, 2011

Deck The Halls

This is my family.

Uncle: What are you doing?
Mom: Hookin'
Uncle: You got a job!

(And now the backstory. My mom is working on some latch hook rug project and was assessing her next move when my uncle called.)
And another one from back in the day (read: 70's or early 80's).

Two of my uncles and their girlfriends decided to go caroling one year and were pretty decent singers. When they went to their grandparents house to carol, grandpa looked out the window, saw who was outside and turned off the lights and shut the blinds. Awesome.
In a few days I might be heading home for the holidays. I say 'might' because although I planned to go home, my doctor reminded me this week that I have to learn to take it easy and rest more. He's worried the stress of holiday flying might do more harm than good and I really don't wanna spend my time home being sick. But I also don't want my daughter to miss out on the holidays with the family. I figure I'll see how I feel after my treatment (the last one!) and then make the decision. If I choose to stay put I won't be alone but it will be a bit of a letdown to not be with all of my loved ones (Crazy Aunt, I'm talking to you). And it won't be the first Christmas I've spent away from home, I spent the holiday with a girlfriend's family a few years ago. I remember that being so foreign to me. Her family was great and we all pretty much got along but it was the first time I wasn't around my own family for the big day. Whether I go home or stay put though, I have to kinda, sorta do all of my shopping in like two days. I've done like 10% of my shopping so far. I'm a chronic last-minute shopper when it comes to Christmas but I'm not sure why, since I'm generally well prepared for whatever I need to get done. In years past I could blame this on my nog intake but I've given up drinking this month so I can't use that as an excuse. Maybe I just like being in a store and fighting two hundred other people for the last thing on the shelf. Upside: I can bring my pepper spray to aid with all my last minute shopping needs this year. Score.